Capture the essence of romance with our Blush Romance Floral Arrangement. This arrangement is designed to convey tender feelings and affection. The arrangement starts with one striking pink Ecuadorian rose, known for its grace and elegance. Integrated into the bouquet are pink carnation sprays that add fullness and a gentle hue to the display. Light pink misty flowers provide an airy feel, while lilac lisianthus introduce a rich, textural contrast. All these are elegantly tied together with eucalyptus parvifolia, offering a subtle scent that enhances the bouquet's charm. The approximately 12-inch by 10-inch dimensions make this arrangement ideal for celebrating special moments, such as a romantic dinner or an anniversary. Accompanied by a complimentary message card, it allows you the space to express your feelings in words, adding a heartfelt note to the already profound gesture. This blush-toned bouquet is set to warm hearts and create memorable experiences for you and your loved ones.
This bouquet contains:
• 1 stalk pink Ecuadorian rose
• Pink carnation spray
• Pink misty
• Lilac lisianthus
• Eucalyptus parvifolia.
• Approx: (L) 12 inches x (W) 10 inches
• Free Message Card