Discover the Charming Pink Bouquet, a captivating floral arrangement that combines the timeless allure of pink gerberas with the soft and sweet presence of a pink carnation spray. This bouquet is designed to evoke feelings of happiness and affection, making it the perfect choice for any occasion or sentiment. Whether you're expressing appreciation, sending congratulations, or simply saying "I care," the Sweet Pink Charm delivers your message in style. Lovingly assembled by our expert florists, each flower is selected for its quality and color vibrancy, ensuring that every bouquet shines in all its glory. The gentle mix of textures and shades brings an elegant balance to your gifting experience. Along with this delightful arrangement, we've included a free message card for you to add a personal touch, making the gift even more memorable. Elevate your gifting game - send the Sweet Pink Charm today and make moments unforgettable.
This bouquet contains:
• 3 stalks of Pink Gerbera
• Pink carnation spray.
• Free Message Card