Experience an exceptional fusion of taste and tenderness with the Chocolate & Roses Harmony Gift. This bouquet features six extended bars of Toblerone Milk Chocolate, each weighing 100g, artfully partnered with three smaller 50g pieces, surrounded by four passionate red roses. This gift combines the velvety richness of Swiss chocolate with the fresh, vibrant aroma of roses to create a symphony of indulgence. Perfect as a gift for someone special, it adds a touch of sweetness to any moment. The majestic Toblerone, famed for its distinct triangular peaks and honey almond nougat flavor, offers an irresistible treat. Whether shared or savored alone, this bouquet transforms every occasion into a cherished memory. Capture hearts and create unforgettable moments with this stunning blend of chocolate grandeur and floral beauty. Crafted to perfection, this collection is more than a gesture – it’s a heartfelt statement.
This chocolate bouquet includes:
• 6 Toblerone Milk Chocolate 100g
• 3 Toblerone Milk Chocolate 50g
• 4 Fresh Red Roses