Embrace the delightful decadence of the Creamy Kopiko Delight Bouquet. This special collection includes 30 packs of the signature Kopiko Blanca, designed for coffee lovers who appreciate the finer things in life. Each pack is a 30-gram dose of creamy coffee magic, combining the strong, satisfying flavor of coffee with a luscious creaminess that's simply irresistible. Whether you’re starting your morning routine or taking a coffee break, Kopiko Blanca meets you with a perfect balance of flavors. It’s your personal coffee indulgence, conveniently packed for on-the-go enjoyment or sharing with friends. Let the enchanting aroma of this exquisite blend fill your senses, promising a satisfying experience in every sip. Treat yourself or someone special to the rich and creamy luxury of Kopiko Blanca, where every pause is an opportunity to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.
This chocolate bouquet includes:
• 30 pcs Kopiko Blanca (30g)