Experience the irresistible combination of our Sweet Indulgence Arrangement. This carefully curated chocolate bouquet includes the finest selection of chocolates for a superior tasting experience. Inside, you'll find two exquisite Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut bars, each packed with rich, creamy milk chocolate and crunchy hazelnut pieces, weighing in at 62g. Adding to the indulgence is a three-piece Ferrero Rocher set, well-loved for its crispy hazelnut goodness enveloped in smooth chocolate and golden wrapping. Perfectly crafted for any occasion, this bouquet makes for a delightful gift or a luxurious treat just for yourself. The unique assortment is sure to please those who appreciate the blend of nutty and creamy textures. Dazzle your taste buds with this elegant presentation of chocolate bliss, and enjoy the mouth-watering sensation of every bite in this Nutty Treats Bundle.
This chocolate bouquet includes:
• 2 Cadbury Dairy Milk Hazelnut 62g
• 1 Ferrero Rocher 3pcs