Indulge your sweet tooth with the Treat Yourself Choco Bouquet, a beautifully curated chocolate bouquet that promises satisfaction in every bite. This enticing collection includes two Hersheys Creamy Milk Chocolate bars that melt in your mouth, complemented by the creamy goodness of two Cadbury Dairy Milk bars. Crunch your cravings away with four Kitkat Chocolate Wafer Chunky bars, each offering a perfect blend of crisp wafers and smooth chocolate. Add a bit of nutty allure with three Snickers Classic bars, known for their irresistible layers. The centerpiece of this delightful arrangement is a Cute Super Mini Bear, a cuddly companion that makes this bouquet extra special. Perfect for gifting or to enjoy as your personal treat, this bouquet offers a variety of flavors and textures that chocolate aficionados crave.
This chocolate bouquet includes:
• 2 Hersheys Creamy Milk Chocolate 15g
• 2 Cadbury Dairy Milk 62g
• 4 Kitkat Chocolate Wafer Chunky 38g
• 3 Snickers Classic 35g
• 1 Cute Super Mini Bear