Send greetings and smiles with our Love Blooms with Birthday Balloons. A dozen lush red and soft pink roses form the heart of this delightful creation, representing love and affection. Supplemented by a dozen delicate white and pink carnations, the bouquet offers a visual feast and story of caring and admiration. These exquisite blooms are presented in a sleek and modern vase, ready to brighten any room with their elegance and vibrancy. Adding a whimsical touch is a Mylar balloon that wishes joy with a “Happy Birthday” message, ensuring the celebrations reach new heights. This versatile gift is ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or to convey sweet 'I love you' notes. Show someone special that they are on your mind with this joyful arrangement that speaks more than words ever could. Whether it's an anniversary celebration or a spontaneous gesture, this bouquet flourishes with charm and elegance, promising to bring a smile to anyone's face.
This gift contains:
• 1 Dozen red/pink roses
• 1 dozen carnations white/pink
• Balloon with Birthday
• I love you message.