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Sunshine Yellow Roses Bouquet

Sunshine Yellow Roses Bouquet

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Brighten someone's day with a dozen long-stemmed yellow roses, perfect for expressing friendship and joy. These vibrant blooms are full of cheer, ideal for sharing a message of platonic love and good spirit. Their radiant color is perfect for bringing a little sunshine into someone's life, whether they need a pick-me-up or just because. Carefully arranged, these roses are a beautiful way to show you care and appreciate the special bond you share. Long-stemmed and elegantly presented, they are sure to deliver warmth and joy to any room they adorn. Each rose in this collection is hand-selected for its robust bloom and vibrant color, ensuring you send only the best. Let these golden petals be your messenger of affection and delight.
This gift contains:
• 12 long-stemmed yellow roses bouquet

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