Transform any occasion into a celebration of color and joy with the Cheerful Sunflower Rose Arrangement. This stunning arrangement features five cheerful yellow sunflowers, each radiating warmth and happiness, paired with the vibrant hue of hot pink roses. Sprigs of Gypsy dianthus add a touch of whimsy, while solidaster provides a playful textural contrast. Whether you're marking a special occasion or simply want to send a "thinking of you" note, this bouquet makes an unforgettable statement. Delivered fresh and bursting with life, it’s perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or days when someone needs a little pick-me-up. Without a container, it offers versatility to fit in any vase, adding elegance to any room. Delight your loved ones with an artful gift that speaks from the heart. It’s more than just flowers; it's a moment of pure sunshine wrapped in stunning form.
This gift contains:
• Bouquet made of 5 yellow sunflowers, hot pink roses, Gypsy dianthus and solidaster