Discover a bouquet that dares to stand out with its stunning combination of colors. Our enchanting arrangement features six imported Holland blue roses paired with six pristine white roses, creating a beautiful contrast that's both eye-catching and elegant. Wrapped in a simple yet sophisticated style, this bouquet makes for a unique gift that expresses creativity and warmth. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to brighten someone's day, this blend of blue and white roses offers a vibrant touch of elegance. The blue roses bring an aura of mystery and wonder, while the classic white roses symbolize purity and grace. Perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any event that calls for a touch of elegance, this bouquet will leave a lasting impression. With its exotic beauty and timeless appeal, it captures the hearts of everyone who lays eyes on it. Embrace the beauty of nature's art with this delightful floral ensemble.
This bouquet contains:
• 6 blue roses
• 6 white roses