Discover the allure of the Delicate Harmony Floral Bouquet. Perfect for creating lasting memories, this exquisite arrangement features a solitary, yet striking, Pink Mondial Ecuadorian Rose at its center. The delicate White Lisianthus then gracefully envelops the rose, enhancing its beauty while adding a gentle softness. Surrounding them, Eucalyptus Parvifolia Leaves impart a refreshing scent and a touch of nature's elegance. This carefully curated bouquet, measuring approximately 18 inches by 10 inches, exudes sophistication and joy. As a thoughtful inclusion, a complimentary message card is available for you to express heartfelt sentiments.
This bouquet contains:
• One stalk of Pink Mondial Ecuadorian Rose
• White Lisianthus
• Eucalyptus Parvifolia Leaves
• Size/Dimension: Approx. 18(h) x 10(w) inches.
• Free Message Card