This exquisite Roses Aplenty in a Heart Basket brims with the most beautiful roses, available in your choice of red, pink, peach, or yellow, accompanied by a delightful selection of inner flowers. It’s the perfect expression of love and appreciation, making any occasion extra special. Adding to the charm is a bottle of Sparkling Red Grape Juice, which brings a touch of refreshing sweetness. This combo perfectly blends the vibrancy of floral elegance with the effervescence of a celebratory drink. Whether it's for a romantic gesture, a celebratory event, or a way to say thank you, this gift embodies heartfelt emotions. Delight your senses with the visual beauty and the delicious sparkle. Guaranteed to bring smiles and create memorable moments, this thoughtful gift is as appealing to the eyes as it is to the taste buds. Experience a treasure of sensory pleasures and heartfelt sentiments in one carefully curated package.
This gift contains:
• Heart shaped basket full of roses, choice of red, pink, peach, yellow with inner flowers.
• Sparkling red grape juice.