Brighten someone's day with our stunning Vibrant Malaysian Mum Bouquet. This delightful arrangement offers an explosion of colors, featuring a dozen handpicked Malaysian mums in an assortment of hues. Nestled elegantly in a charming vase, the vibrant petals create a joyful display that's perfect for any setting. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or just a thoughtful surprise, these radiant blooms promise to bring a smile. Each flower is carefully selected for its freshness and vibrancy, ensuring long-lasting beauty. The accompanying vase enhances the bouquet's appeal and makes it a ready-to-display gift. Unleash the magic of nature's palette with this exquisite arrangement that celebrates life's special moments. Surprise your loved ones, or even treat yourself, with this colorful celebration in a vase - a truly unforgettable floral experience.
This gift contains:
• 1 Dozen Assorted Colors of Malaysian Mums in a Vase