With its enchanting blend of pink tones and captivating foliage, this bouquet invites a sense of peace and beauty into any space. At the heart of this arrangement lies a singular two-toned pink China rose, exuding both vibrance and elegance. The accompanying pink carnation spray offers layers of texture and charm, complemented by the delicate touch of pink gypsophila blooms, creating a dreamy, romantic aura. Accents of eucalyptus true blue leaves add a serene, earthy feel that balances the bouquet’s overall composition. This floral ensemble measures about 16 inches long and 12 inches wide, making it an ideal centerpiece for any occasion. Perfect for expressing gratitude, love, or congratulations, it includes a free message card to add a personal note. Gift this exquisite bouquet and let its beauty speak the unspoken words of your heart.
This bouquet contains:
• 1 stalk two-toned pink China rose
• Pink carnation spray
• Pink gypsophila
• Eucalyptus true blue leaves
• Approx. (L) 16 inches x (W) 12 inches
• Free Message Card