Brighten your day or someone's with this enchanting bouquet featuring 12 stunning stems of pink and red gerbera daisies. Carefully handpicked and wrapped to maintain freshness, these daisies offer a perfect pop of color for any room. Each daisy is carefully curated for its vibrant hue and lush petals, offering a lasting impression. Adorn a tabletop, nightstand, or centerpiece with these cheerful blooms that convey love, admiration, and warmth. Their broad centers and striking colors capture attention effortlessly, creating a lively and joyful atmosphere. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because, this bouquet shines in its simplicity and elegance. Delivered fresh to your door, this bouquet makes it easy to surprise someone special—or treat yourself! Whether it's a thank-you gift or a sincere apology, these daisies offer a heartfelt sentiment. Their long stems keep them standing tall in a vase, ensuring they remain a beautiful fixture in your home for days to come.
This gift contains:
• 12 stems of pink and red gerbera daisies.