The "Radiant Romance Rose Bouquet" is your go-to floral gift for expressing love and affection. Featuring a stunning red Ecuadorian rose that's seamlessly intertwined with the light pink statice and pure white carnation spray, this bouquet radiates warmth and joy. It's elegantly enhanced with eucalyptus parvifolia, adding a hint of nature's freshness. This beautiful arrangement serves as an eloquent symbol of your emotions, all within a compact and convenient size of approximately 15 by 13 inches. Perfect for a wide array of occasions, from anniversaries to celebrations of friendship, it's sure to bring a smile to your loved one's face. A free message card is included to help you convey your personal words of affection, ensuring your gift is as meaningful as it is beautiful. This bouquet embodies both grace and grandeur, capturing the essence of joyous love. With its thoughtful design, it makes gifting easy and delightful, providing a memorable experience for both the giver and the recipient.
This bouquet contains:
• 1 stalk red Ecuadorian rose
• Light pink statice
• White carnation spray
• Eucalyptus parvifolia.
• Approx: (L) 15 x (W) 13 inches
• Free Message Card