Step into a serene moment with our Serene Blossom Delight bouquet. This arrangement exudes tranquility with a singular pink Ecuadorian rose, symbolizing admiration and love. The addition of peach lisianthus brings a subtle, sunny glow to the composition, complemented by the ethereal misty blue flowers. Their soft hues are juxtaposed by the purity of white carnation sprays, each petal crisp and calming. Enhanced by sprigs of eucalyptus parvifolia, your senses will be serenaded by their gentle fragrance and soft, wispy form. With dimensions of approximately 17 inches in length and 12 inches in width, this bouquet is perfectly sized for any space, from intimate rooms to welcoming hallways. It's designed to bring a moment of peace, whether as a personal indulgence or a heartfelt gift. Plus, with a complimentary message card, you can narrate your own story, making this bouquet even more special and personal.
This bouquet contains:
• One stalk of pink Ecuadorian rose
• Peach lisianthus
• Misty blue flowers
• White carnation spray
• Eucalyptus parvifolia leaves.
• Approx: (L) 17 inches x (W) 12 inches
• Free Message Card