Indulge in the captivating allure of the Sweet Serenity Floral Bouquet. This stunning floral arrangement begins with the centerpiece—a single, exquisite pink Ecuadorian rose that's bound to catch the eye and warm the heart. Paired with a graceful pink carnation spray, it creates a symphony of colors and textures that soothe and delight. The peach lisianthus introduces a whisper of romance, completing this magical bouquet with its soft petals. For a touch of greenery, Eucalyptus parvifolia is woven throughout, bringing a fresh and uplifting scent to your space. Measuring around 16 inches long and 13 inches wide, it's the perfect size for a table centerpiece or a thoughtful gift. The Sweet Serenity Bouquet also comes with a free message card, so you can personalize your floral expression. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because, this bouquet promises to convey a sense of calm and joy to anyone who receives it.
This bouquet contains:
• 1 stalk pink Ecuadorian rose
• Pink carnation spray
• Peach lisianthus
• Eucalyptus parvifolia.
• Approx: (L) 16 inches x (W) 13 inches
• Free Message Card