Discover serenity with our Sweet Serenity Handheld Flowers, a bouquet crafted to deliver smiles and evoke warm feelings. The gentle pink hues of two carnation sprays create a calming vibe, while being accompanied by charming clouds of white gypsophila that effortlessly add texture and grace. Encasing these delicate blooms, vivid eucalyptus true blue leaves offer a pleasant aroma that complements the bouquet's understated elegance. This petite masterpiece, measuring approximately 15 inches by 11 inches, is not only visually stunning but also perfectly sized for easy gifting and placement in various settings. Ideal for times when a little brightness is needed, this bouquet speaks volumes of thoughtfulness and affection. With an included free message card, you can write your own heartfelt message to make the gesture even more meaningful. Whether it's to lift someone's spirits or celebrate a special moment, this Sweet Serenity bouquet is your go-to for gifting elegance and warmth.
This bouquet contains:
• 2 stalks pink carnation spray
• White gypsophila
• eucalyptus true blue leaves
• Approx: (L) 15 inches x (W) 11 inches
• Free Message Card