Experience the classic allure of carnations with this vibrant arrangement Vibrant Duo of Carnations in a Chic Vase that seamlessly blends the purity of white and the warmth of red for a stunning display. Nestled in a stylish vase, these fresh blooms make the perfect gift to brighten any room. Whether it’s a celebration, an expression of love, or simply to uplift spirits, this bouquet stands ready to delight. Each petal sings the timeless beauty of nature, beautifully complemented by the elegant transparent vase. The contrast of colors symbolizes balance, harmony, and joy. Easy to care for and long-lasting, this arrangement ensures that you can enjoy its beauty for days to come. Ideal for centerpieces or a charming addition to your living space, it makes a statement without overwhelming your decor. Carefully selected and expertly arranged, each carnation adds a touch of grace and elegance. It's a perfect choice for birthdays, anniversaries, or just because. Let this gorgeous bouquet bring warmth and a sense of celebration to your space.
This gift contains:
• 20 Pcs Mixed White & Red Carnations in a Vase.